Friday, March 14, 2014

New project: Togainu no Chi Drama CD

Hello! I hope everyone is doing well! I am posting to say I am doing a new project that will take me less time to do than my normal videos: Togainu no Chi (the first drama cd)! Don't worry, the drama CD does have yaoi for those who have watched the anime ^-^ I am not doing a manga drama CD with this because I started the manga and it didn't seem to coincide correctly with it, so I will be using translations! I wanted to let everyone know that this is what they can expect the next upload to be!!

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

OMG...IT'S MO ~(*o*)~

I sincerely apologize for not posting for about three seems to just get crazier and crazier AND CRAZIER!!! I was also sick in bed for all of last week (my entire spring break) and I got absolutely nothing done on a new video! *cries* This is the last of the MO series, I have to regretfully say....and I hope that it will not take as long for my next blog post (I will pray really hard that it won't take three more weeks....I seriously don't need more stress on me)! Oh...and enjoy the outdoor sex....muahahaah


This made me I decided to share it!! Has anyone ever experienced this..?? I know I have!! HAHA XD